Title: Digs, Dogs and Drama
Author: Rachna Singh
Publisher: White Tarantula
ISBN: 9384180092
Number of Pages: 248
Price: 240 [INR]
Genre: Humour
Blurb on the Book:
Digs, Dogs and Drama is a humorous book in the genre of anecdotal humour. It is compiled like a diary of fun: each chapter an independent blob of humour. The neighbour's dog. The dramatic ultrasound scan. The wedding reception. Aloo parathas versus curd rice. 100% shuddh Indian. Events. Happenings. Experiences. Just day-to-day stuff.
Traffic Jam? Angry boss? Ruined Haircut? Power cut? Need instant cheering up? Any chapter will do. Rasam? Burger? Rangoli? Bollywood action? Want a desi smile? Start from anywhere in this book. You won't be able to put it down.
My Review:
Digs, Dogs and Drama is a collection of short stories, each based on day-to-day experiences. What makes this interesting is that these experiences are of the author! With a total of 46 independent chapters, each with a punch of humour, the book can be read in any order.
The author's sense of humour is something I liked a lot. She looks the same world with a different angle, finding humour in mundane activities. The book has stories from Weddings, PTA meetings to dogs, photo shoots and Bollywood! The first dose of humour begins when the author writes "No animals or editors were harmed in the writing of this book" I instantly developed a liking to her sense of humour.
One more plus point was the chapters being short and independent. I used to read them during travelling to and from college and just like that I was done with it. I enjoyed reading it. In some chapters, the humour just flowed easily where in some, it seemed like the author was trying a little hard to make it sound funny. The language is fluid and conversational and engages the reader. It is like reading someone's diary.
All in all, the book makes a good read. Pick it up and enjoy the little anecdotes.
My Rating: 4/5 Stars!
PS: This review is a part of Book review program hosted by Write Tribe.
Until the next review,
Keep Reading :)
Swathi :)
Labels: Book Review, ebook, Humour, Indian Authors